Category Archives: Neck Pain

PTSD, CTE, and Pain Treatment for Veterans

PTSD, CTE, and Pain Treatment for Veterans

PTSD, CTE, and Pain Treatment for Veterans is a specialty service available at The Redwood Clinic and with Dr. Jay Sordean.  Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder, Chronic Traumatic Encephalopathy, and PAIN are major results of the activities of soldiers not only in battle but in training and even desk jobs.  With over 40 years clinical experience in treating these, Dr. Jay Sordean, LAc, OMD, QME has specialized skills that you will not find elsewhere.  Call the office today to find out if working together might be helpful. 510-849-1176.

PTSD, CTE, and Pain Treatment for Veterans

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PTSD, CTE, and Pain Treatment for Veterans

Dr. Jay Sordean’s bestselling book Super Brain: Maximize Your Brain Health for a Better Life is a great place to start to learn more about your brain and the unique approaches used to return your brain to optimal functioning.  Https://

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#VeteranswithPTSD  #PTSD  #CTE  #VeteransforPeace #LowBackPain

Opioid Addiction

Opioid addiction

Opioid addiction is at all time highs in the US. Television, radio, magazines, newspapers, blogs, and politicians are all ranting about the opioid addiction problem in this country. The basis of this addiction is typically a pain condition that was initially treated with opioids like oxycodone – supposed to be a short term therapeutic regimen – but that turned into long term dependence.

Alternatives exist – such as acupuncture to increase endorphins in the brain, and NRCT (Neurologic relief center technique) that may be helpful to reduce the nerve irritations that can cause pain syndromes not addressed in other ways. Mindfulness, hypnotherapy, guided imagery and a variety of natural supplements can also be effective interventions to replace the addictive opioids or to reduce the dependence over time.


By far, the opioid crisis is one of the worst epidemics to hit the United States.

More than 2.4 million Americans have reportedly abused opioid medications, many of which are formulated to match pain-reducing properties of opium, including legal painkillers like morphine, oxycodone, and hydrocodone.

Others have turned to heroin and fentanyl.

Making it worse, according to U.S. governors, as noted by NBC Chicago:

“The federal government needs to do more to block illicit versions of synthetic drugs such as fentanyl from being shipped into the U.S. Last year, the Department of Justice issued indictments of two Chinese companies accused of sending fentanyl illegally into the U.S., one of several anti-opioid moves by the federal government.”

It’s gotten so bad that since 1999, the number of accidental deaths involving opioids has quadrupled. In fact, it’s been reported that 91 Americans die every day from it.

In 2015, 52,000 Americans died from opioid abuse.

According to The U.S. Council of Economic Advisers (CEA):“CEA estimates that in 2015, the economic cost of the opioid crisis was $504.0 billion, or 2.8 percent of GDP that year. This is over six times larger than the most recently estimated economic cost of the epidemic.”In 2016, that number exploded to 63,600. In 2017, early data has it up to 66,000.

It’s why President Donald Trump declared the opioid crisis a “public health emergency.”

“We have to be careful because there’s a drug epidemic the likes of which we’ve never seen in this country,” he added. “I will be pushing the concept of non addictive painkillers very, very hard. We’re going to be spending lots of money on coming up with a non-addictive solutions.”


Alternatives exist – such as acupuncture to increase endorphins in the brain, and NRCT (Neurologic relief center technique) that may be helpful to reduce the nerve irritations that can cause pain syndromes not addressed in other ways. Mindfulness, hypnotherapy, guided imagery and a variety of natural supplements can also be effective interventions to replace the addictive opioids or to reduce the dependence over time.

The functional medicine approach is also very important to get your body’s systems back into balance.

Opioids severely alter the digestive and elimination systems. They are the basis for getting nutrition in your system and the foundation of a healthy immune system. When those are malfunctioning, the brain also is effected directly, and then the natural opiates produced by the brain and elsewhere, the endorphins and enkephalins are thrown out of balance. As are the feel-good biochemicals of serotonin and dopamine.

To break the addiction cycle the body’s natural feel good and pain reducing chemicals must be activated. Functional medicine is the most effective approach for this as it reduces dependence on pharmaceutical agents that cause numerous side effects.

Call us today at The Redwood Clinic +1-510-849-1176 to set up your functional medicine consultation. Delay only makes the addiction worse.

Amyloid Alzheimer’s Blood Stream

Amyloid Alzheimer’s Blood Stream

Does Alzheimer’s Travel to the Brain
From Other Parts of the Body?

There are many reasons and causes of Alzheimer’s. My two books on the brain (Outsmarting the Dementia Epidemic and Super Brain) talk about the primary factors involved. The connection between Amyloid, Alzheimer’s, & Blood Stream is an example of this whole body causal chain. Amyloid plaques are associated with Alzheimer’s in postmortem studies. But amyloid is produced in other parts of your body and can travel via your blood stream to the brain.

A study published in October suggests that the disease might not start in the brain at all.

Our own blood could carry Alzheimer’s-linked amyloid proteins to the brain from other areas of the body to kick-start the disease process.

Amyloid Alzheimer’s Blood Stream

A study by researchers from the US, Australia, China and the University of British Columbia surgically attached lab animals so they shared the same blood supply.

Anyway, each member of a group of normal, healthy mice was coupled with another that was specially bred to carry a modified human gene that produces high levels of brain-damaging amyloid beta protein.

After 12 months, the normal mice developed the same plaques and tangles seen in Alzheimer’s. They displayed the type of brain cell degeneration, inflammation and micro-bleeding commonly seen in the disease.

There were also marked impairments in a region of the hippocampus, a part of the brain that’s especially important for learning and memory. This disruption in electrical signaling began after just four months.

These results point out important facts I report in my books. Inflammation, blood circulation, and meningeal compression are all relevant in this discussion of brain health.

The Research Showed

The blood study showed that the proteins associated with the development of Alzheimer’s disease can travel to the brain via the bloodstream. And those proteins are found outside the brain, They exist in muscles, blood platelets and blood vessels. In other words, the proteins from which amyloid is derived are found in a number of other organs.

The meninges control all of the blood circulating to and from your brain. They are the blood-brain barrier we talk so much about. Addressing a dysfunctional meninges may help to improve the blood-brain barrier.

One research author, Dr. Welhong Song, stated that “The blood-brain barrier weakens as we age. That might allow more amyloid beta to infiltrate the brain, supplementing what is produced by the brain itself and accelerating the deterioration.

“Alzheimer’s disease is clearly a disease of the brain, but we need to pay attention to the whole body to understand where it comes from, and how to stop it.

“Clearance of amyloid outside the brain could help reduce the amyloid inside the brain and might help slow down the disease progression.”
Dr. Song thinks it might be possible to develop a drug that binds to amyloid beta in the body, so that when it enters the bloodstream it is recognized by the kidneys or liver and the two bound substances are transported safely out of the body before the amyloid has a chance to enter the brain.

Drugs developed to address amyloid in the brain have not been successful.

Since the research team is telling us that Alzheimer’s might be a whole-body problem – a systemic disease — it reinforces the ideas of those working in integrative dr

By taking care of ourselves through diet, exercise, nutritional supplements, and periodic detoxing of key organs like the liver, kidneys and colon, we are taking care of our minds at the same time.

It is also time to buy Dr. Jay’s two books and read them! Fill out the surveys in them. Learn more about his BRAIN HEALTH program by logging into his webinar. Then contact him for an appointment to review your survey results. 510-849-1176.

Weight Loss and Detoxification

Weight Loss and Detoxification

In 2016–even after many decades of research–the concept of detoxification is still considered to be nonscientific in many medical circles. weight loss and detoxificationWhy this is the case is a bit of a mystery and may be the result of some basic misunderstandings about the word. In fact, a body of credible research has been conducted on the environmental and health impacts of toxins, and much recent study has been dedicated to the issue of persistent organic pollutants (POPs). With the development of new analytical tools, we have entered a new era in which it is now possible to study the more subtle effects–cellular toxicology, genomic toxicology–these molecules can have on the human body.

One thing that is undeniable is that toxins are stored in the fat cells of the body.  If we don’t clean those toxins out we will have a degeneration of our health.  Patients I have worked with have had incredible turn-arounds of their health simply by doing our science-based, effective detoxification processes.  This is not just the go to the health food store and get herbs to purge the bowel.  Sorry, that just doesn’t cut it now that we know what really is needed functionally.

Pain is worsened by a toxic body.

Chemical toxicity

Explosive increase in chemicals in the environment

Medication use is often due to toxins in the body that cause symptoms that the drugs are prescribed to cover up.  When the medication “eliminates” one thing they often produce other symptoms.  Another drug is prescribed to “address” that complaint.  And so on.  Until people are taking a handful of drugs.

All when maybe a detoxification process that got rid of the poisons in your body was all that was needed in the first place.

Call us to set up your appointment to start your detox process now.  Autumn is a time when nature gets rid of what it doesn’t need so it can regenerate and grow.  What in your life is your reason to not do this detoxification process here at The Redwood Clinic?

Write down the top three obstacles or blockages you have to taking action on detoxification.  Then rank each one on a scale of 1 to 10 of difficulty to overcome.  Ten is impossible.  Like trying by yourself to get your leg out from under a 1 ton boulder trapping it.  One is a minor obstacle, like you have to go out and walk your dog right now, but could do it in 10 minutes.

So, again, write down your 3 biggest obstacles to calling us now to make an appointment to clean out your body gently and effectively.  Then, rank them according to how hard the obstacle is.  Then figure out whether all three are really insurmountable.

Now Call for Your Appointment.  Tell us you want to do our detoxification program.  Regain your health and your natural abilities to heal and lose the weight that may be the cause of your chronic pain.

And, watch this video by one of the Fathers of Functional Medicine, Jeffrey Bland, PhD.  Then take action and call us at 510-849-1176.

Blum A. Tackling toxics. Science. 2016 Mar 11;351(6278):1117.

CTE -Chronic Traumatic Encephalopathy

CTE -Chronic Traumatic Encephalopathy

CTE -Chronic Traumatic Encephalopathy — is a disease of the brain. Of course, “Encephal” refers to the brain, “-opathy” means a disease.
In short, CTE -Chronic Traumatic Encephalopathy, is a damage to the brain that has occurred over a long period of time (chronic) due to multiple injuries to the head, skull, and rest of the body that the head is attached to. While there is a focus on the head and brain, it is often forgotten that the rest of the body (like the spinal cord, back, neck and shoulders) also are involved.

CTE -Chronic Traumatic Encephalopathy and Alzheimer’s: A comparison

CTE - Chronic Traumatic Encephalopathy

Note surgical scar on back of neck

A recent article from Scientific American has a nice review of CTE. It doesn’t talk about meningeal compression and torqueing, which is a flaw in the article. Nevertheless, it is a good article that I recommend you read if you want lots of details and comparisons to Alzheimer’s and dementia. In part, it
states, “The outward symptoms of CTE will sound familiar to anyone who has experience with Alzheimer’s disease: Memory problems, disorientation and difficulty concentrating are the earliest signs. As the condition progresses, people begin to show poor judgment, erratic behavior, significant memory loss and some degree of Parkinson’s disease (impaired speech, difficulty with motor skills, slow movement and a loss of balance). In its more advanced stages, tremors, full-blown Parkinsonism, a staggering gait, deafness and dementia mark CTE.”

Details about meningeal compression can be found in my two books; to order either of the bestselling books by Dr. Jay Sordean, go to: and
Or go directly and by at Amazon: Super Brain: and Outsmarting the Dementia Epidemic and


TAGS: NRCT, Neurologic Relief Center Technique, Alzheimer’s, Dementia, Memory Care, Memory Enhancement, Jay Sordean, Super Brain, Outsmarting the Dementia Epidemic, BRAIN HEALTH Program

#BRAINHEALTHTalk #Dementia #Alzheimers #NRCT #NRC #meningeal-compression #PeytonManning


Fibromyalgia Diagnosis

Fibromyalgia Diagnosis

Fibromyalgia. A label for a myriad of symptoms, syndromes and conditions that have to be teased out to really find the underlying causes. I have been working with patients with Fibromyalgia Diagnosisdiagnoses of fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue, chronic fatigue immune dysfunction syndrome, etc. etc. for more than 25 years. So how about fibromyalgia diagnosis done properly?

I am at my third seminar touching upon this in the last 6 months. To find out if there is anything else new on the subject, to keep me on the cutting edge of understanding fibromyalgia. Because very few doctors have even close to enough training in it. And the diagnoses are really wrong so often, even by the experts (one study showed 60% incorrect diagnosis).

Fibromyalgia Diagnosis and Mitochondria

One continuous thread in the fabric is the role of mitochondria and mitochrondrial dysregulation or sub-functioning. The mitochondria are the energy power-houses of our cells and body. Without enough energy you will feel achy and having pain in all parts of the body. I have numerous lectures on this subject on my youtube channel you can watch. None of these yet discuss mitochondria. Stay tuned for that aspect.

Fibromyalgia Diagnosis and Meningeal Compression

meningeal compressionOn the other hand, the role of meningeal compression and torqueing is something I have spoken on extensively. This also is a key factor and understanding underlying causes in each individual presenting with fibromyalgia.

Fibromyalgia Diagnosis and What else?

The list of involved “diagnoses” includes: Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Myofascial Pain Syndrome, Organic depression/anxiety, Multiple bursitis/tendonitis sites, Connective tissue disorders, Stealth infections (Lyme and co-infections, viral), Endocrine (hormone) myopathies, dysglycemia (blood sugar problems), Anemia, Multiple sclerosis, occult malignancy, GI (gastrointestinal dysbiosis and Toxicity.

You can get more individualized assessment by calling The Redwood Clinic at 510-849-1176

Fibromyalgia diagnosis


How to Improve Back Pain

How to Improve Back Pain

For decades we have been helping patients improve their back function, reduce and end back pain symptoms, and help avoid unwanted back Backpainsurgery.  This includes acute back pain – upper, middle, low back pain — as well as sciatica.  It also includes chronic back pain — also in the same regions.  This is employing acupuncture, electroacupuncture, therapeutic massage, stretching, instruction in posture, McKenzie exercises, herbs, nutrition, and the past 5 years Neurologic Relief Center technique. Of course, the choices were made after a comprehensive history taking, evaluation, and analysis.  Short-cutting this process is not a wise thing to do, is unprofessional, and in the long run is not helpful for the patient.  Some “community acupuncture clinics,” some medical doctor offices* and others practitioners with less training and superficial understanding of the problems will do a very cursory exam, if at all.  And frankly speaking, looking at the tongue and feeling the wrist pulse, while helpful in some ways, is WHOLLY INSUFFICIENT to determine what is going on, but that is what you will get at a low-cost clinic.   *Medical doctors will at least eventually refer you to a specialist if the are internal medicine or family practitioners.

"Watch Your Back!"

“Watch Your Back!”

A recent book about back pain, “Watch Your Back!: How the Pain Industry Has Cost Us More and Given Us Less” by Richard A. Deyo, MD suggests that there are 4 main ways that we heal back pain.  We do not agree that these are the only ways, but agree that these are important aspects of the process.  On the other hand, one of many lecture segments about back pain that we have presented is on youtube  HERE. The 4 ways of healing back pain according to Dr. Deyo are: 1) Time heals all.  There is a time frame, a natural healing cycle, that healing (by the body’s own healing powers) takes place in.  Just have to let time take it’s time. Usually 4 weeks. 2) Regression to the mean.  Over time the person gets better. 3) Placebo effect.  People are given both an active method and a real method.  Even the placebo, physical treatment, is better than the control (no intervention).  COMMENT: This points out the fact that the placebo effect is powerful.  Some researchers may claim that the placebo effect should not be used, but even editorials in the Journal of the American Medical Association have on and off lauded the benefits of using the placebo effect as much as possible if it will help the patient. 4) The doctor’s warm, attention, sympathy, and caring have a strong influence on recovery. Dr. Deyo elaborates on these as well as analyzes various studies on treatment methods used to treat back pain, including acupuncture, massage, physical therapy, pain medications and surgery.  Neurologic Relief Center (NRC) technique is not discussed. The NRC is still gathering data to put together further studies on efficacy.  Numerous anecdotal cases are shown in this blogs articles and on youtube from around the world.  Cases 1. Case 2, Case 3, Case 4

Sodium – Hair Mineral Analysis Element

Sodium – Hair Mineral Analysis Element and Body Functioning

Sodium is an important element and mineral test in the hair mineral analysis testing.  Sodium plays a significant role in your body and cells, often paired up with Potassium.  If you have high blood pressure your doctor will tell you to cut down on your Sodium. Doctors also look at the amount of Sodium in your blood during the comprehensive blood testing.  This hair deposition of Sodium gives additional and significant information about your body that the blood Sodium levels do not.

Diabetes, cancer, high blood pressure, cardiovascular illness, obesity, cognitive decline — are just a few of the many conditions, malfunctions, or diseases that do not develop symptoms often until they are progressed quite a long time and Sodium may play a key role.  Functioning has to drop to around 40% for symptoms to be obvious — up until a drop of function by 60% we know about dysfunction by things other than symptoms.   Hair Mineral Analysis focuses on particular minerals –macro, micro, trace and heavy metals found stored in your hair.  Understanding the relationships among the different minerals found can tell us a lot about how your body is functioning.  Not only your body, but your emotions and hormones.

After watching this, if you want to get a hair mineral analysis with explanation please contact The Redwood Clinic at +1-510-849-1176.

Hair mineral Analysis You tube videos



Calcium – Hair Mineral Analysis Element

Calcium – Hair Mineral Analysis and Body Functioning

Calcium is an important element and mineral test in the hair mineral analysis testing.  Calcium plays a significant role in your body and cells, often paired up with Magnesium.  It is stored in the bones and used everywhere, muscles, nerves, and cell membranes.  Doctors  look at the amounts of Calcium in your blood during the comprehensive blood testing.  This hair deposition of Calcium gives additional and significant information about your body that the blood Calcium levels do not.

Diabetes, cancer, high blood pressure, cardiovascular illness, obesity, cognitive decline — are just a few of the many conditions, malfunctions, or diseases that do not develop symptoms often until they are progressed quite a long time and Calcium may play a key role.  Functioning has to drop to around 40% for symptoms to be obvious — up until a drop of function by 60% we know about dysfunction by things other than symptoms.   Hair Mineral Analysis focuses on particular minerals –macro, micro, trace and heavy metals found stored in your hair.  Understanding the relationships among the different minerals found can tell us a lot about how your body is functioning.  Not only your body, but your emotions and hormones.

After watching this, if you want to get a hair mineral analysis with explanation please contact The Redwood Clinic at +1-510-849-1176.

Hair mineral Analysis You tube videos
