Weight Loss and Detoxification

Weight Loss and Detoxification

In 2016–even after many decades of research–the concept of detoxification is still considered to be nonscientific in many medical circles. weight loss and detoxificationWhy this is the case is a bit of a mystery and may be the result of some basic misunderstandings about the word. In fact, a body of credible research has been conducted on the environmental and health impacts of toxins, and much recent study has been dedicated to the issue of persistent organic pollutants (POPs). With the development of new analytical tools, we have entered a new era in which it is now possible to study the more subtle effects–cellular toxicology, genomic toxicology–these molecules can have on the human body.

One thing that is undeniable is that toxins are stored in the fat cells of the body.  If we don’t clean those toxins out we will have a degeneration of our health.  Patients I have worked with have had incredible turn-arounds of their health simply by doing our science-based, effective detoxification processes.  This is not just the go to the health food store and get herbs to purge the bowel.  Sorry, that just doesn’t cut it now that we know what really is needed functionally.

Pain is worsened by a toxic body.

Chemical toxicity

Explosive increase in chemicals in the environment

Medication use is often due to toxins in the body that cause symptoms that the drugs are prescribed to cover up.  When the medication “eliminates” one thing they often produce other symptoms.  Another drug is prescribed to “address” that complaint.  And so on.  Until people are taking a handful of drugs.

All when maybe a detoxification process that got rid of the poisons in your body was all that was needed in the first place.

Call us to set up your appointment to start your detox process now.  Autumn is a time when nature gets rid of what it doesn’t need so it can regenerate and grow.  What in your life is your reason to not do this detoxification process here at The Redwood Clinic?

Write down the top three obstacles or blockages you have to taking action on detoxification.  Then rank each one on a scale of 1 to 10 of difficulty to overcome.  Ten is impossible.  Like trying by yourself to get your leg out from under a 1 ton boulder trapping it.  One is a minor obstacle, like you have to go out and walk your dog right now, but could do it in 10 minutes.

So, again, write down your 3 biggest obstacles to calling us now to make an appointment to clean out your body gently and effectively.  Then, rank them according to how hard the obstacle is.  Then figure out whether all three are really insurmountable.

Now Call for Your Appointment.  Tell us you want to do our detoxification program.  Regain your health and your natural abilities to heal and lose the weight that may be the cause of your chronic pain.

And, watch this video by one of the Fathers of Functional Medicine, Jeffrey Bland, PhD.  Then take action and call us at 510-849-1176.

Blum A. Tackling toxics. Science. 2016 Mar 11;351(6278):1117.