Category Archives: Smoking

5 Color Vegetables or Fruits

5 Color Vegetables or Fruits

Foods and nutrition are great topics for the holiday gatherings.

A recent gathering of HAART employees and directors of the board (Dr. Jay is on the board of directors of HAART) was such an opportunity. Savyon, my eldest daughter, was sitting at a table of younger professional women. Among the topics that came up was different types of diets and eating plans — Paleo, vegan, etc.

One person in the conversation, Savannah, is the newest board member. She mentioned that she was brought up with the simple concept by her mother of eating different color foods at each meal. Do that in a consistent fashion as a child and you will grow up getting at least some basic nutrition.

Others talked about paleo diets related to our “caveman” genetic backgrounds.

Kaiser sends out an email newsletter with the following article today:

Beyond the ‘White Food’ Diet: Seven Tips for Adding Color to Your Child’s Plate

Again, the same advice from a pediatrician.

Why the colors? Well, nature produces different colors to attract different animals. Different colors of veggies and fruits contain different kinds of phytonutrients and different types of antioxidants. And antioxidants are substances we need in our bodies to balance out the oxidation reactions that are, for one thing, the basis for our energy production system. Krebs cycle, citric acid cycle, mitochonria, etc. etc. You know what I’m talking about.

So, while the composition of these colored foods was less well studied 30, 40, 50 years ago, we have a clearer idea of the biochemical reason why eating colored vegetables and fruits may be important.

If you can’t get enough of these servings of food in your diet you can get a rough substitute by taking the right supplements. One I recommend is Phytonutrients by Metagenics. You can order them online here.

Functional Medicine: What it is and Why do you want it?

Functional Medicine: What it is and Why do you want it?

Functional Medicine: Just exactly what is it? How is it different from conventional medicine? Why Functional Medicinemight you want to work with a functional medicine practitioner like Jay Sordean? This video explains it in full detail as Dr. Jay narrates and describes some of the distinguishing characteristics of this and how it differs from conventional medicine.

Dr. Jay has been studying and practicing functional medicine for the past 30 years. Learn about this medicine, focused on functional capacity in the body, in ways you may never have thought about it.

Additional resources can be heard at

Learn about how the functioning of the body degenerates and how that leads to malfunction, disease, and THEN symptoms.



Water is an important part of your body’s functioning.  What happens to your function when your water is toxic?  Click on this link to learn more:

Stress, trauma and toxicity are 3 of the most important causes of degenerating health.  These each lead to decreased vitality and organ function, increasing inflammation and causing the body to have to work harder to repair damaged tissues.  Call the office at 510-849-1176 to find out what we can do to help you regain your health.


Hypnotherapy and Health

Hypnotherapy and Health


What do you think of when you hear the word “hypnotherapy?”  Excitement? Enthusiasm? Relaxation? Concern?  Well, some people areHypnotherapy and Health afraid that hypnotherapy or guided imagery will make you lose control.  That you will be under the influence of someone or something else.  Nothing could be further from the truth.  We have heard that there are a few individuals in religious circles who warn that is it somehow “evil” —  well there is absolutely no basis for labeling it in that way.  Read further to see why.


Granted, extreme applications (of understanding how the mind can work) are used to manipulate others by cults and in harsh interrogation methods by the CIA, FBI, police, Mossad, M-1, KGB, and elsewhere.  But that is a vastly different situation.  For health improvement and stress reduction, hypnotherapy and guided imagery are extremely benevolent and non-directive.  It is a matter merely of offering suggestions — giving your higher powers an opportunity to choose another way that can be helpful.


Hypnotherapy and Positive Reinforcement


This aspect of healing and health maintenance can be a very positive addition to your “medicine cabinet.”  In fact, ALL TOP OLYMPIC ATHLETES and successful CEOs routinely use this for peak performance.  Essentially it is positive self-talk.  And can you deny that you speak to yourself, inside your head, many times a day?  It is a normal aspect of your brain function, and making sure that the words are supportive and positive is key. (Of course, if there are many voices in your head telling you to murder and kill, that could be a sign of serious mental illness.  This is NOT what we are talking about here.)


Patients’ Experience of Hypnotherapy at The Redwood Clinic


Are we just talking theory here?  Is there any proof of this?  Well, at The Redwood Clinic we have been using this in conjunction with acupuncture and other approaches for the past 25 years or more.  This is because it is safe, quick, and effective.  Our patients, by in large, love it and look forward to it at their visits.  Of course, some people don’t choose to do it and that is fine too.  But of those who do utilize this adjunctive tool, 100% are excited about it and find that it is really a positive influence in their health.


Hypnotheray and Kaiser Health Care


Kaiser Foundation Health Care is a conservative organization.  They require some solid evidence before they will pay for or use some method.  Well, they encourage the use of hypnotherapy and guided imagery, as do Harvard, Stanford, the Mayo Clinic, and almost all of the major medical schools and centers in the U.S.  Why? Because it is safe and effective.


What does Kaiser specifically say about it?   “Your mind and body are connected. Guided imagery programs engage your mind, body, and spirit to help you:

  • reduce stress
  • focus on healthy changes
  • promote healing”


Kaiser has a specific place that  “produces our gentle, but powerful, guided imagery programs. Kaiser Permanente doesn’t provide transcripts for these programs because the reading voice — its softness and pace — is key to their success.”  That organization is called Healthy Journeys.


Areas that Kaiser Promotes Hypnotherapy


What hypnotherapy/guided imagery audios do they provide direct access to all Kaiser members?


  1. Related to “Health Conditions and concerns”: allergies, coping with cancer, cancer chemotherapy, cancer radiation therapy, fibromyalgia and fatigue, headaches, healthy heart, immune system health, menopause, pain, pregnancy and childbirth, and surgery.
  2. Related to “Emotional Wellness:” anger and forgiveness, grief, panic attacks and anxiety, self-confidence, and stress.
  3. Related to “Living Healthily:” relaxation and wellness, sleep, stop smoking, and weight loss.


Kaiser has been providing these self-access resources since at least 2012.  At The Redwood Clinic we have been using these since at least 1990.  Always on the cutting edge of what we can do to help you wholistically.


We will also have some podcasts on this subject on our podcast channel:

Acupuncture and Sedona Method – Great Combination

Acupuncture and Sedona Method – Great Combination

At The Redwood Clinic we combine the best of natural medicine approaches to create a synergistic effect.  This enables faster and deeper results for patients.  This also addresses the physical, emotional, and spiritual levels of a person’s health concerns.

Acupuncture and Chinese medicine are a multifaceted system including energy work, OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAmassage, exercise, diet, stress-reduction, herbal formulas and even martial arts.  As comprehensive as allergythis may be, there are still other approaches to healing and health that work very well with acupuncture and Chinese medicine.

Thus, we like to combine the best of all worlds when possible.  Of course, if you are coming in with an insurance plan, that plan has restrictions on what it will pay for and not pay for.  Usually that is very limited.  So to really get the full benefit of our years of clinical experience you may have out of pocket expenses. But believe me, that is worth it.

11-10-08-speeding-mediumYour car insurance won’t pay for a tune-up — only crashes.  But you don’t refuse to get the tune-ups just because your insurance won’t pay for it.  The same thing should apply to your health.

When people are resting during an acupuncture session we often encourage them to listen to a guided imagery process to work on different aspects of their body’s healing powers.  And to reduce stress responses.  One of the many processes we offer selectively to patients, based on their individual needs and circumstances, might be the Sedona Method.Sleep

Please watch and listen to another recent positive experience using this unique integrative approach only found at The Redwood Clinic.


Sodium – Hair Mineral Analysis Element

Sodium – Hair Mineral Analysis Element and Body Functioning

Sodium is an important element and mineral test in the hair mineral analysis testing.  Sodium plays a significant role in your body and cells, often paired up with Potassium.  If you have high blood pressure your doctor will tell you to cut down on your Sodium. Doctors also look at the amount of Sodium in your blood during the comprehensive blood testing.  This hair deposition of Sodium gives additional and significant information about your body that the blood Sodium levels do not.

Diabetes, cancer, high blood pressure, cardiovascular illness, obesity, cognitive decline — are just a few of the many conditions, malfunctions, or diseases that do not develop symptoms often until they are progressed quite a long time and Sodium may play a key role.  Functioning has to drop to around 40% for symptoms to be obvious — up until a drop of function by 60% we know about dysfunction by things other than symptoms.   Hair Mineral Analysis focuses on particular minerals –macro, micro, trace and heavy metals found stored in your hair.  Understanding the relationships among the different minerals found can tell us a lot about how your body is functioning.  Not only your body, but your emotions and hormones.

After watching this, if you want to get a hair mineral analysis with explanation please contact The Redwood Clinic at +1-510-849-1176.

Hair mineral Analysis You tube videos



Calcium – Hair Mineral Analysis Element

Calcium – Hair Mineral Analysis and Body Functioning

Calcium is an important element and mineral test in the hair mineral analysis testing.  Calcium plays a significant role in your body and cells, often paired up with Magnesium.  It is stored in the bones and used everywhere, muscles, nerves, and cell membranes.  Doctors  look at the amounts of Calcium in your blood during the comprehensive blood testing.  This hair deposition of Calcium gives additional and significant information about your body that the blood Calcium levels do not.

Diabetes, cancer, high blood pressure, cardiovascular illness, obesity, cognitive decline — are just a few of the many conditions, malfunctions, or diseases that do not develop symptoms often until they are progressed quite a long time and Calcium may play a key role.  Functioning has to drop to around 40% for symptoms to be obvious — up until a drop of function by 60% we know about dysfunction by things other than symptoms.   Hair Mineral Analysis focuses on particular minerals –macro, micro, trace and heavy metals found stored in your hair.  Understanding the relationships among the different minerals found can tell us a lot about how your body is functioning.  Not only your body, but your emotions and hormones.

After watching this, if you want to get a hair mineral analysis with explanation please contact The Redwood Clinic at +1-510-849-1176.

Hair mineral Analysis You tube videos



Time for Detoxification: Removing Toxicity to Start the New Year Clear

Removing Toxicity – Start the New Year Clear

Time for Detoxification: Start the New Year Right. It is nearing the end of January. How are you feeling? Full of energy or sluggish already?

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAJanuary is a great time to “ring out” the old. We often cap off a year of not-so-healthy habits with year-end celebrations featuring decadent foods and libations. Its no wonder that many people start each year feeling worn out and fatigued. These are also signs of a potential overload of internal “junk” you’ve built up from everyday chemicals and other potentially harmful substances in food, water, and air. Although the body has a natural detoxification process, we often give it more than it can handle.

Unhealthy eating can add to your toxic burden. Even within our body we produce toxins, such as byproducts of impaired digestion and unhealthy eating. It can also cause weight gain, and excess fat makes a comfy hiding place to store Headachewhat your liver has trouble cleaning out. Year-end pressures at work and emotional stress (and added pounds) from seasonal gathering and preparations can add to this toxic buildup and increase “blue” feelings in January.
Make a clear resolution to feel better. New Year’s resolutions to “be healthier” often fail due to a lack of a measurable goal. But there’s a simple way to promote good health and feel better while helping your body get back to its top cleansing speed. A 10-day metabolic detoxification program is how many people choose to start the year off rightand help them stay clear-headed and energetic all year long.

Call today to schedule an appointment to learn how a metabolic detoxification program can help you feel better. 510-849-1176

El MatadorEven your water can be a source of toxins — filtering your water from the tap prior to consumption is very important. I recommend the Multipure water filtration system and you can order it here

Many other methods of detecting toxicity in your body as well as approaches to dealing with that toxicity are mentioned in this and other postings on this site.

Dopamine, Addictions, and Branding

How are dopamine, addictions, and branding related? Addictions are habitual behavioral patterns that are cute__adorable-t1-baby picturetriggered by external and internal stimulants. The stimulants can be chemicals, drugs, foods, behaviors, memory patterns, etc.

476px-Chimp_Brain_in_a_jarIn general, we humans and mammals seek out pleasure and try to avoid pain. The pleasure centers of our brain are very powerful motivators of our behavior. We have high level control centers and deeper, survival level control centers. The high level ones have to be developed to be able to overcome the lower (survival) ones or our metabolism can be hijacked due to addictions. Dopamine is a powerful “reward” neurotransmitter that makes us feel great, satisfied, comforted.OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA Many substances and behaviors trigger release of dopamine. Addictive drugs like cocaine and heroine release it; sugar releases it; acupuncture releases it.

This is common knowledge that can be used to help prevent diabetes or can also be used to promote consumer behavior that can lead to diabetes and other conditions that can lead to dementia, brain degeneration, Alzheimer’s, etc. This post on FAST FOOD is scientifically accurate and a great read. ‪#‎Alheimers‬ ‪#‎dopamine‬ ‪#‎superbrain‬ ‪#‎addiction‬…/7-reasons-we-cant-turn-dow…

Acupuncture Can Help You Quit Smoking

SmokingCongratulations! The simple fact that you are reading this article means that you have already made an outstanding decision for your health – to stop smoking. Once you make the leap of making the decision you are seriously on your way to kicking the habit and becoming a non-smoker. Thus, beginning your journey to better health. Every year, millions of Americans “try” to quit smoking and a full half of them succeed. Of course, when someone says they are ready to “try” to quit smoking this is a key indicator that they will be part of the 50% that tried. So, if you are serious about quitting and you are ready to stop then acupuncture can help you significantly improve your odds of success!

Although there are many things that health professionals disagree about the one thing that virtually all agree upon is that quitting smoking is the single most important thing you can do for your health. More than twenty-five diseases are associated with tobacco use, including cancer of the lungs, bladder, mouth, larynx, pharynx, esophagus, pancreas, kidney, uterus and cervix. Smoking also raises the chances of developing emphysema and increases the risk of having a stroke by 30%.

There is plenty of incentive to quit, but that doesn’t make it any easier. The good news is that acupuncture has helped millions of people to kick the smoking habit.

How Can Acupuncture Help You Quit the Habit

Some of the largest stumbling blocks to becoming a non-smoker are the stress, anxiety and depression associated with quitting. Fortunately, acupuncture treatment is quite successful at calming and relaxing the mind, reducing anxiety and alleviating depressive feelings. Specific acupoints in the ear and wrist are used to accomplish this. Additional acupoints may be included that help suppress your appetite, stimulate repair and healing of organ systems, and reduce food and nicotine cravings.

Receiving So Much More

Using acupuncture to quit smoking yields enormous benefits. Aside from taking care of the stumbling blocks that can cause you to resume the habit, acupuncture can help restore your body to a healthy state of balance and well-being. If you are ready to become smoke-free, acupuncture can provide you with the support you need.

Here are a few tips to guide you through your acupuncture care:

  • Drink plenty of filtered water during the process.
  • Eat balanced, healthy meals with a variety of vegetables and fruits.
  • Refrain from sugar, which can cause further sugar cravings and unwanted weight gain.
  • Manage your cravings. They will actually fade within a few minutes. When cravings arise, distract yourself. Before you know it, the craving will have passed.
  • Scrub your skin with a dry brush or loofa to facilitate the cleansing process and help blood circulation. Take daily baths or showers.
  • Avoid spending time with other smokers so that you are less tempted to smoke.
  • Take a walk outside and take deep breaths. Upon exhale, gently place your teeth together and exhaling with the sound of “sssssssss.” This sound stimulates the lungs.

Acupuncture and Chinese medicine can provide a safe, natural, drug-free and effective way to quit smoking. The focus is upon achieving a balance of body and mind, and eliminating cravings so you can become smoke-free and healthier.

Dr. Jay Sordean and The Redwood Clinic in Berkeley, California can help you quit smoking. Call us at today (510) 849-1176 to set up a consultation.