Category Archives: low back pain

Opioid Addiction

Opioid addiction

Opioid addiction is at all time highs in the US. Television, radio, magazines, newspapers, blogs, and politicians are all ranting about the opioid addiction problem in this country. The basis of this addiction is typically a pain condition that was initially treated with opioids like oxycodone – supposed to be a short term therapeutic regimen – but that turned into long term dependence.

Alternatives exist – such as acupuncture to increase endorphins in the brain, and NRCT (Neurologic relief center technique) that may be helpful to reduce the nerve irritations that can cause pain syndromes not addressed in other ways. Mindfulness, hypnotherapy, guided imagery and a variety of natural supplements can also be effective interventions to replace the addictive opioids or to reduce the dependence over time.


By far, the opioid crisis is one of the worst epidemics to hit the United States.

More than 2.4 million Americans have reportedly abused opioid medications, many of which are formulated to match pain-reducing properties of opium, including legal painkillers like morphine, oxycodone, and hydrocodone.

Others have turned to heroin and fentanyl.

Making it worse, according to U.S. governors, as noted by NBC Chicago:

“The federal government needs to do more to block illicit versions of synthetic drugs such as fentanyl from being shipped into the U.S. Last year, the Department of Justice issued indictments of two Chinese companies accused of sending fentanyl illegally into the U.S., one of several anti-opioid moves by the federal government.”

It’s gotten so bad that since 1999, the number of accidental deaths involving opioids has quadrupled. In fact, it’s been reported that 91 Americans die every day from it.

In 2015, 52,000 Americans died from opioid abuse.

According to The U.S. Council of Economic Advisers (CEA):“CEA estimates that in 2015, the economic cost of the opioid crisis was $504.0 billion, or 2.8 percent of GDP that year. This is over six times larger than the most recently estimated economic cost of the epidemic.”In 2016, that number exploded to 63,600. In 2017, early data has it up to 66,000.

It’s why President Donald Trump declared the opioid crisis a “public health emergency.”

“We have to be careful because there’s a drug epidemic the likes of which we’ve never seen in this country,” he added. “I will be pushing the concept of non addictive painkillers very, very hard. We’re going to be spending lots of money on coming up with a non-addictive solutions.”


Alternatives exist – such as acupuncture to increase endorphins in the brain, and NRCT (Neurologic relief center technique) that may be helpful to reduce the nerve irritations that can cause pain syndromes not addressed in other ways. Mindfulness, hypnotherapy, guided imagery and a variety of natural supplements can also be effective interventions to replace the addictive opioids or to reduce the dependence over time.

The functional medicine approach is also very important to get your body’s systems back into balance.

Opioids severely alter the digestive and elimination systems. They are the basis for getting nutrition in your system and the foundation of a healthy immune system. When those are malfunctioning, the brain also is effected directly, and then the natural opiates produced by the brain and elsewhere, the endorphins and enkephalins are thrown out of balance. As are the feel-good biochemicals of serotonin and dopamine.

To break the addiction cycle the body’s natural feel good and pain reducing chemicals must be activated. Functional medicine is the most effective approach for this as it reduces dependence on pharmaceutical agents that cause numerous side effects.

Call us today at The Redwood Clinic +1-510-849-1176 to set up your functional medicine consultation. Delay only makes the addiction worse.

Acupuncture and IBS

Acupuncture and IBS

Irritable bowel syndrome or IBS is a complex disorder which affects the intestines ability to effectively move their contents; most often too fast but other times too slow. The main symptoms of IBS are abdominal pain, bloating, diarrhea, and/or constipation. Less frequently occurring symptoms of IBS include headaches, fatigue, depression and anxiety. Symptoms are often triggered by stress, dietary changes, emotional upsets, hormone levels and even medications. Acupuncture and IBS are a perfect combination because acupuncture helps with so many of the underlying causes.

Acupuncture and IBS – Offering a Safe Natural Approach

Acupuncture and Chinese medicine can offer a safe, effective, natural and drug-free way to address IBS. This holistic healthcare system looks at the body differently than Western medicine. According to Chinese medicine, the body is like a garden that must be cultivated and maintained in order to grow strong and remain healthy. Good health happens when all of the organs and meridian systems are balanced and working together.

How Can We Help?

According to Chinese medical theories, there are several possible causes for IBS including imbalances of the spleen, liver, or kidneys.

This video also explains this in more detail.

One of these is an imbalance of the spleen. The spleen is the organ in charge of digestion and assimilation of foods and liquids. One of the main functions of the spleen is to aid in the production of spleen Qi. Spleen Qi is the energy that provides power and nourishment for the entire body. Another function of the spleen is to produce blood from the food it breaks down and to convert it into usable energy to power your body. If your spleen isn’t properly cared for, the body’s energy levels will not be supported and illness may occur. The spleen is easily affected and weakened by poor eating habits and diet, antibiotics, excessive worry, or a weak constitution. When a weakened spleen cannot metabolize or process food efficiently, “dampness” appears in the body. Dampness occurs when rotting, undigested food sits in the gut, causing a variety of symptoms. If dampness “rises” to your head, you may experience headaches, a “foggy” feeling and an inability to concentrate. Over time, dampness can lead to bloating, fullness and loose stools.

Another possible scenario is an imbalance in the liver. According to Chinese medicine, the liver is associated with emotional health. Stress and anger directly influence the function of your liver. Alcohol, drugs and medications, or a poor diet further compromise its function. When this happens, your liver energy overflows, in a figurative sense, and attacks the spleen. If your spleen is already weakened, it can be easily overcome. The result can be stress-induced IBS. If your liver is compromised, you may experience alternating diarrhea and constipation, as well as bloating, gas, headaches, and dull pain. In this case, your liver may be the root of the problem, and your spleen the secondary problem.

An imbalance in kidney Yang could also cause IBS symptoms. Kidney Yang is energy that provides warmth for your body. This energy warms up your spleen to aid in the digestion and breakdown of food. If your kidney energies are compromised, you may experience early-morning diarrhea and possibly bladder incontinence, cold limbs, weak knees and a sore back.

Acupuncture and Chinese medicine can create a clear picture of the root imbalance(s) that lead to IBS symptoms. When you meet with your practitioner, he or she will determine what organ and meridian systems are contributing to your IBS. They may also suggest adjunct therapies such as herbs, dietary changes, breathing techniques and exercises in order to maximize your healing.

Acupuncture and Chinese medicine can provide a safe, natural, drug-free and effective way to address IBS.

Dr. Jay Sordean and The Redwood Clinic in Berkeley, California can help you with your IBS. Call us at today (510) 849-1176 to set up a consultation.

Acupuncture Back Pain Berkeley San Francisco

Acupuncture Back Pain Berkeley San Francisco

Steve Kerr, Golden State Warriors basketball team coach, is sidelined due to back pain. Maybe he didn’t know about Acupuncture Back Pain Berkeley San Francisco at The Redwood Clinic. In the EAST BAY TIMES today Steve Kerr is quoted as saying “It’s just discomfort and pain and it’s no fun. And I can tell you if you’re listening out there, if you have a back problem stay away from back surgery.” Dr. Jay Sordean has been helping patients avoid back surgery with his comprehensive evaluations and treatments. This is based on more than 33 years clinical experience. In fact, many of his patient avoided surgery that was suggested more than 20 years ago. They are still going strong. Their testimonials are found in various places on this website.

Acupuncture Back Pain Berkeley San Francisco

What makes acupuncture for back pain so effective at The Redwood Clinic? First of all, it starts with a thorough history and examination. Many other offices and

Acupuncture Back Pain Berkeley San Francisco

Acupuncture Expert in Portland Oregon

insurance plans allow only enough time for a cursory review. And, many others do not have the expertise to evaluate back pain problems properly. Especially when the dictates of payment schedules give a doctor no more than a couple of minutes to do the exam. Sorry, but so much is missed with the simplistic exams many offices do because they lack the thorough training and expertise that Dr. Jay has. Sorry to be so blunt, but it is true. There are so many reasons for back pain to occur, and to simply say it is a “bladder meridian” problem is a short change and is almost as symbolic as simply labelling the back pain as “sciatica.” Dr. Jay goes into greater discussion on some of the major causes in his introduction to acupuncture and back pain lecture found on youtube.

B= Blood circulation enhancement to speed up healing
A=activate the body’s own natural pain chemicals like endorphens and enkephalins,
C=Controlling the inflammatory response
K= Kicking dependence on opioid medication use

Sather Health Lecture Part 10:”Language of Healting(tm)” Qi and Blood 2 26 14

Sather Health Lecture

Dr. Jay Sordean was an invited guest speaker at the University of California at Berkeley at their Sather Health Lecture Series.  In this segment of the talk Dr. Jay Sordean has Esther Slaman walk the Cal Students through the way that we explain to patients how Function, malfunction, disease and symptoms all fit together.

Hypnotherapy and Health

Hypnotherapy and Health


What do you think of when you hear the word “hypnotherapy?”  Excitement? Enthusiasm? Relaxation? Concern?  Well, some people areHypnotherapy and Health afraid that hypnotherapy or guided imagery will make you lose control.  That you will be under the influence of someone or something else.  Nothing could be further from the truth.  We have heard that there are a few individuals in religious circles who warn that is it somehow “evil” —  well there is absolutely no basis for labeling it in that way.  Read further to see why.


Granted, extreme applications (of understanding how the mind can work) are used to manipulate others by cults and in harsh interrogation methods by the CIA, FBI, police, Mossad, M-1, KGB, and elsewhere.  But that is a vastly different situation.  For health improvement and stress reduction, hypnotherapy and guided imagery are extremely benevolent and non-directive.  It is a matter merely of offering suggestions — giving your higher powers an opportunity to choose another way that can be helpful.


Hypnotherapy and Positive Reinforcement


This aspect of healing and health maintenance can be a very positive addition to your “medicine cabinet.”  In fact, ALL TOP OLYMPIC ATHLETES and successful CEOs routinely use this for peak performance.  Essentially it is positive self-talk.  And can you deny that you speak to yourself, inside your head, many times a day?  It is a normal aspect of your brain function, and making sure that the words are supportive and positive is key. (Of course, if there are many voices in your head telling you to murder and kill, that could be a sign of serious mental illness.  This is NOT what we are talking about here.)


Patients’ Experience of Hypnotherapy at The Redwood Clinic


Are we just talking theory here?  Is there any proof of this?  Well, at The Redwood Clinic we have been using this in conjunction with acupuncture and other approaches for the past 25 years or more.  This is because it is safe, quick, and effective.  Our patients, by in large, love it and look forward to it at their visits.  Of course, some people don’t choose to do it and that is fine too.  But of those who do utilize this adjunctive tool, 100% are excited about it and find that it is really a positive influence in their health.


Hypnotheray and Kaiser Health Care


Kaiser Foundation Health Care is a conservative organization.  They require some solid evidence before they will pay for or use some method.  Well, they encourage the use of hypnotherapy and guided imagery, as do Harvard, Stanford, the Mayo Clinic, and almost all of the major medical schools and centers in the U.S.  Why? Because it is safe and effective.


What does Kaiser specifically say about it?   “Your mind and body are connected. Guided imagery programs engage your mind, body, and spirit to help you:

  • reduce stress
  • focus on healthy changes
  • promote healing”


Kaiser has a specific place that  “produces our gentle, but powerful, guided imagery programs. Kaiser Permanente doesn’t provide transcripts for these programs because the reading voice — its softness and pace — is key to their success.”  That organization is called Healthy Journeys.


Areas that Kaiser Promotes Hypnotherapy


What hypnotherapy/guided imagery audios do they provide direct access to all Kaiser members?


  1. Related to “Health Conditions and concerns”: allergies, coping with cancer, cancer chemotherapy, cancer radiation therapy, fibromyalgia and fatigue, headaches, healthy heart, immune system health, menopause, pain, pregnancy and childbirth, and surgery.
  2. Related to “Emotional Wellness:” anger and forgiveness, grief, panic attacks and anxiety, self-confidence, and stress.
  3. Related to “Living Healthily:” relaxation and wellness, sleep, stop smoking, and weight loss.


Kaiser has been providing these self-access resources since at least 2012.  At The Redwood Clinic we have been using these since at least 1990.  Always on the cutting edge of what we can do to help you wholistically.


We will also have some podcasts on this subject on our podcast channel:

NSDJ3 Interview with Kewesi Simon

Interview by Dr. Jay Sordean with Kewesi Simon, Mixed Martial Arts Teacher in Oakland, California August 2014. Part of a series of interviews for Dr. Jay’s books on the brain.  In this episode we learn about the need to strengthen the neck to reduce traumatic injury to the brain in sports such as martial arts and football, such as CTE (Chronic Traumatic Encephalopathy).  Listen to this fascinating interview in the workout hall of the Martial Arts Gym of Kewesi Simon in Oakland, California. This interview was part of Dr. Jay’s research for his books in August 2014.   and

For information about brain evaluation and treatments, go to

To learn more about Alzheimer’s, dementia, and how to boost your brain power, go to

Go to Natural Solutions with Dr. Jay and sign up for the podcast.

Or go directly to the interview by Clicking here.

Acupuncture and Sedona Method – Great Combination

Acupuncture and Sedona Method – Great Combination

At The Redwood Clinic we combine the best of natural medicine approaches to create a synergistic effect.  This enables faster and deeper results for patients.  This also addresses the physical, emotional, and spiritual levels of a person’s health concerns.

Acupuncture and Chinese medicine are a multifaceted system including energy work, OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAmassage, exercise, diet, stress-reduction, herbal formulas and even martial arts.  As comprehensive as allergythis may be, there are still other approaches to healing and health that work very well with acupuncture and Chinese medicine.

Thus, we like to combine the best of all worlds when possible.  Of course, if you are coming in with an insurance plan, that plan has restrictions on what it will pay for and not pay for.  Usually that is very limited.  So to really get the full benefit of our years of clinical experience you may have out of pocket expenses. But believe me, that is worth it.

11-10-08-speeding-mediumYour car insurance won’t pay for a tune-up — only crashes.  But you don’t refuse to get the tune-ups just because your insurance won’t pay for it.  The same thing should apply to your health.

When people are resting during an acupuncture session we often encourage them to listen to a guided imagery process to work on different aspects of their body’s healing powers.  And to reduce stress responses.  One of the many processes we offer selectively to patients, based on their individual needs and circumstances, might be the Sedona Method.Sleep

Please watch and listen to another recent positive experience using this unique integrative approach only found at The Redwood Clinic.


How to Improve Back Pain

How to Improve Back Pain

For decades we have been helping patients improve their back function, reduce and end back pain symptoms, and help avoid unwanted back Backpainsurgery.  This includes acute back pain – upper, middle, low back pain — as well as sciatica.  It also includes chronic back pain — also in the same regions.  This is employing acupuncture, electroacupuncture, therapeutic massage, stretching, instruction in posture, McKenzie exercises, herbs, nutrition, and the past 5 years Neurologic Relief Center technique. Of course, the choices were made after a comprehensive history taking, evaluation, and analysis.  Short-cutting this process is not a wise thing to do, is unprofessional, and in the long run is not helpful for the patient.  Some “community acupuncture clinics,” some medical doctor offices* and others practitioners with less training and superficial understanding of the problems will do a very cursory exam, if at all.  And frankly speaking, looking at the tongue and feeling the wrist pulse, while helpful in some ways, is WHOLLY INSUFFICIENT to determine what is going on, but that is what you will get at a low-cost clinic.   *Medical doctors will at least eventually refer you to a specialist if the are internal medicine or family practitioners.

"Watch Your Back!"

“Watch Your Back!”

A recent book about back pain, “Watch Your Back!: How the Pain Industry Has Cost Us More and Given Us Less” by Richard A. Deyo, MD suggests that there are 4 main ways that we heal back pain.  We do not agree that these are the only ways, but agree that these are important aspects of the process.  On the other hand, one of many lecture segments about back pain that we have presented is on youtube  HERE. The 4 ways of healing back pain according to Dr. Deyo are: 1) Time heals all.  There is a time frame, a natural healing cycle, that healing (by the body’s own healing powers) takes place in.  Just have to let time take it’s time. Usually 4 weeks. 2) Regression to the mean.  Over time the person gets better. 3) Placebo effect.  People are given both an active method and a real method.  Even the placebo, physical treatment, is better than the control (no intervention).  COMMENT: This points out the fact that the placebo effect is powerful.  Some researchers may claim that the placebo effect should not be used, but even editorials in the Journal of the American Medical Association have on and off lauded the benefits of using the placebo effect as much as possible if it will help the patient. 4) The doctor’s warm, attention, sympathy, and caring have a strong influence on recovery. Dr. Deyo elaborates on these as well as analyzes various studies on treatment methods used to treat back pain, including acupuncture, massage, physical therapy, pain medications and surgery.  Neurologic Relief Center (NRC) technique is not discussed. The NRC is still gathering data to put together further studies on efficacy.  Numerous anecdotal cases are shown in this blogs articles and on youtube from around the world.  Cases 1. Case 2, Case 3, Case 4