Tag Archives: Berkeley Wellness

Acupuncture Back Pain Berkeley San Francisco

Acupuncture Back Pain Berkeley San Francisco

Steve Kerr, Golden State Warriors basketball team coach, is sidelined due to back pain. Maybe he didn’t know about Acupuncture Back Pain Berkeley San Francisco at The Redwood Clinic. In the EAST BAY TIMES today Steve Kerr is quoted as saying “It’s just discomfort and pain and it’s no fun. And I can tell you if you’re listening out there, if you have a back problem stay away from back surgery.” Dr. Jay Sordean has been helping patients avoid back surgery with his comprehensive evaluations and treatments. This is based on more than 33 years clinical experience. In fact, many of his patient avoided surgery that was suggested more than 20 years ago. They are still going strong. Their testimonials are found in various places on this website.

Acupuncture Back Pain Berkeley San Francisco

What makes acupuncture for back pain so effective at The Redwood Clinic? First of all, it starts with a thorough history and examination. Many other offices and

Acupuncture Back Pain Berkeley San Francisco

Acupuncture Expert in Portland Oregon

insurance plans allow only enough time for a cursory review. And, many others do not have the expertise to evaluate back pain problems properly. Especially when the dictates of payment schedules give a doctor no more than a couple of minutes to do the exam. Sorry, but so much is missed with the simplistic exams many offices do because they lack the thorough training and expertise that Dr. Jay has. Sorry to be so blunt, but it is true. There are so many reasons for back pain to occur, and to simply say it is a “bladder meridian” problem is a short change and is almost as symbolic as simply labelling the back pain as “sciatica.” Dr. Jay goes into greater discussion on some of the major causes in his introduction to acupuncture and back pain lecture found on youtube.

B= Blood circulation enhancement to speed up healing
A=activate the body’s own natural pain chemicals like endorphens and enkephalins,
C=Controlling the inflammatory response
K= Kicking dependence on opioid medication use