Category Archives: Fibromyalgia

Acupuncture and Sedona Method – Great Combination

Acupuncture and Sedona Method – Great Combination

At The Redwood Clinic we combine the best of natural medicine approaches to create a synergistic effect.  This enables faster and deeper results for patients.  This also addresses the physical, emotional, and spiritual levels of a person’s health concerns.

Acupuncture and Chinese medicine are a multifaceted system including energy work, OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAmassage, exercise, diet, stress-reduction, herbal formulas and even martial arts.  As comprehensive as allergythis may be, there are still other approaches to healing and health that work very well with acupuncture and Chinese medicine.

Thus, we like to combine the best of all worlds when possible.  Of course, if you are coming in with an insurance plan, that plan has restrictions on what it will pay for and not pay for.  Usually that is very limited.  So to really get the full benefit of our years of clinical experience you may have out of pocket expenses. But believe me, that is worth it.

11-10-08-speeding-mediumYour car insurance won’t pay for a tune-up — only crashes.  But you don’t refuse to get the tune-ups just because your insurance won’t pay for it.  The same thing should apply to your health.

When people are resting during an acupuncture session we often encourage them to listen to a guided imagery process to work on different aspects of their body’s healing powers.  And to reduce stress responses.  One of the many processes we offer selectively to patients, based on their individual needs and circumstances, might be the Sedona Method.Sleep

Please watch and listen to another recent positive experience using this unique integrative approach only found at The Redwood Clinic.


Sodium – Hair Mineral Analysis Element

Sodium – Hair Mineral Analysis Element and Body Functioning

Sodium is an important element and mineral test in the hair mineral analysis testing.  Sodium plays a significant role in your body and cells, often paired up with Potassium.  If you have high blood pressure your doctor will tell you to cut down on your Sodium. Doctors also look at the amount of Sodium in your blood during the comprehensive blood testing.  This hair deposition of Sodium gives additional and significant information about your body that the blood Sodium levels do not.

Diabetes, cancer, high blood pressure, cardiovascular illness, obesity, cognitive decline — are just a few of the many conditions, malfunctions, or diseases that do not develop symptoms often until they are progressed quite a long time and Sodium may play a key role.  Functioning has to drop to around 40% for symptoms to be obvious — up until a drop of function by 60% we know about dysfunction by things other than symptoms.   Hair Mineral Analysis focuses on particular minerals –macro, micro, trace and heavy metals found stored in your hair.  Understanding the relationships among the different minerals found can tell us a lot about how your body is functioning.  Not only your body, but your emotions and hormones.

After watching this, if you want to get a hair mineral analysis with explanation please contact The Redwood Clinic at +1-510-849-1176.

Hair mineral Analysis You tube videos



Calcium – Hair Mineral Analysis Element

Calcium – Hair Mineral Analysis and Body Functioning

Calcium is an important element and mineral test in the hair mineral analysis testing.  Calcium plays a significant role in your body and cells, often paired up with Magnesium.  It is stored in the bones and used everywhere, muscles, nerves, and cell membranes.  Doctors  look at the amounts of Calcium in your blood during the comprehensive blood testing.  This hair deposition of Calcium gives additional and significant information about your body that the blood Calcium levels do not.

Diabetes, cancer, high blood pressure, cardiovascular illness, obesity, cognitive decline — are just a few of the many conditions, malfunctions, or diseases that do not develop symptoms often until they are progressed quite a long time and Calcium may play a key role.  Functioning has to drop to around 40% for symptoms to be obvious — up until a drop of function by 60% we know about dysfunction by things other than symptoms.   Hair Mineral Analysis focuses on particular minerals –macro, micro, trace and heavy metals found stored in your hair.  Understanding the relationships among the different minerals found can tell us a lot about how your body is functioning.  Not only your body, but your emotions and hormones.

After watching this, if you want to get a hair mineral analysis with explanation please contact The Redwood Clinic at +1-510-849-1176.

Hair mineral Analysis You tube videos



Heavy Metal Toxicity | Heavy Metal Test | Heavy Metal Detoxification Capacity

Removing Toxicity – Heavy Metal Toxicity and Chemicals in General

Heavy metals in your body can damage the nervous system and other tissues and cellular components. This is called heavy metal toxicity.   Lead, mercury, and aluminum are 3 examples of commonly found heavy metals in the body.  Even in the bodies of infants.

You know that lead is not good for human development.  It causes heavy metal toxicity.  It

Sculpture called Liquid Mercury

Sculpture called Liquid Mercury

was removed from paints and gasoline as a result. Mercury is not to be played with in a bare hand or other parts of the skin.  Mercury thermometers are rarely found anymore and were replaced by alcohol and digital thermometers because of the toxic potential of mercury.

How well does your body clear out the heavy metals that got into your body?  There are several methods to test not only the presence of heavy metals but how well your body is clearing them out.  This video explains one of the several methods we use because of their efficacy, accuracy, simplicity, and cost.

MERCURY as an Example of Heavy Metal Toxicity

Mercury is the only metal that is liquid at room temperature. In its pure form (often called metallic or elemental), mercury is a shiny, silver-white, odorless liquid.


Liquid Mercury

According to Medscape, Mercury in any form is poisonous, with mercury toxicity most commonly affecting the neurologic, gastrointestinal (GI) and renal organ systems. Poisoning can result from mercury vapor inhalation, mercury ingestion, mercury injection, and absorption of mercury through the skin.

Pouring Mercury

Pouring Mercury

Mercury has 3 forms: (1) elemental mercury, (2) inorganic salts, and (3) organic compounds. Perhaps the most deadly form of mercury is methylmercury. Only 2-10% of the ingested mercury is absorbed from the gut, and ingested elemental mercury is not absorbed at all; however, 90% of any methylmercury ingested is absorbed into the bloodstream from the GI tract. (

Water Purification

Avoiding the ingestion of damaging chemicals and heavy metals is as important as removing them from inside the body.  Using a water purification for water that you drink, cook with, and even shower with is an important part of a healthy life-style nowadays.  Given that there are 100,000 new chemicals in the environment that your body was never exposed to before, keeping them out of the body (unless you specifically want to ingest them) avoids having to clean them out later.  Cleaning them out later takes energy and resources that could be used for more important things, like enjoying time with family, chatting, and relaxing in your favorite hobby. I suggest the Multipure filter as a good choice to at least start out with.  Don’t use something that only claims to make the water taste better.  It will taste better but not remove the toxins that will damage you and your family’s and children’s health.

To learn more about how to protect your brain from chemicals, please sign up for my video series as well.  And read “Super Brain: Maximize Your Brain Health for a Better Life.”





Memory, Alzheimer’s and Pesticides?

Are Pesticides Causing Memory Issues and Alzheimer’s?

Scientific America is weighing in on this question based on research reported by the Journal of the American Medical Association Neurology.

At Scientific American suggests that “saying that any pesticide causes Alzheimer’s disease (AD) is going too far. But evidence from a small study reported in JAMA Neurology suggests there could be a connection.” But the question still remains, “Are pesticides causing memory issues and Alzheimer’s?”

The JAMA Neurology study looked at pesticide levels in the blood of people with Alzheimer’s disease (AD) and those who didn’t have it.  They looked for blood levels of DDE (a major byproduct of the pesticide DDT).  The levels of DDE in the AD subjects were almost FOUR TIMES HIGHER than in the controls. FOUR TIMES HIGHER.

This comes as no great surprise to those of us who have been looking at this chemical toxicity issue already for decades.  And, I go into detail about this connection, as ONLY 1 of MANY, in my books.  Learn more by going to and

#Alzheimer #SuperBrain #obesity #pesticides

Scientific American states that there are still minute levels of DDE, a pesticide, in the US environment in spite of DDT having been banned in this country after Rachel Carson’s wide-spread alerting of the public in her seminal book, Silent Spring. 

There are still countries that permit the use of DDT pesticide in agriculture, and thus residues are most likely to be found fruits and vegetables imported from there. The pesticide has also been found in seafood, particularly farmed fatty fish, such as salmon, and shellfish imported from other countries.  DDE and DDT do not break down quickly, so that is one reason why they are so persistent even after being banned.

Scientific American advises that to reduce your exposure, wash produce thoroughly, throw away the outer leaves of leafy vegetables such as cabbage and trim the fat from meat and fat and skin from poultry and fish. If you eat sport-caught fish, check your state’s advisories for which types to avoid. If you don’t avoid it you may be susceptible to its ill effects and memory loss and Alzheimer’s.

Because trace amounts of pesticides (and other bad chemicals) can be in the water you drink from the tap, it is essential that you filter your drinking and cooking water with an effective water filtration system like the ones we recommend at  Buy one and use it to save the lives of yourself and your children.

The Scientific American article can be found at Memory on May 25, 2015

Your Water Consumption is Important to Your Health

Did you know that water covers 72% of the earth’s surface?  And that is about the percentage of water that our bodies are composed of!  Water is also the medium that most toxins are removed from the body.  Toxins in the body are, well, toxic.  So not only do we want to get them out of our body if possible, but we don’t want to put more in our body.

Are you having any symptoms of toxicity? How long did it take for those symptoms to develop? Did you know that toxins are more prevalent than you may think? Filtering your water at the tap is key, and I recommend the Multipure water filtration system. They are less costly than bottled water, they are convenient and reliable. I have used them for over 30 year with great satisfaction. Order them online here.

Why should you filter your water before you consume it? Watch this video to understand why. Would you like to know what toxic contaminants the Multipure filtration system is scientifically tested and shown to remove? Download this report.

Susan B. Koemen Donation Version of System

Susan B. Koemen Donation Version of System

Do you want the details of the NSF studies on the Multipure system removal of contaminants? mp-performance-data

So you have to prevent toxins from getting into your body as well as removing them from your body. Two different things, both both equally important. Removing them from the body takes professional advice and guidance and that is what you can get at The Redwood Clinic. Call now for an appointment.

476px-Chimp_Brain_in_a_jarFor more information on toxins and your brain, go to the websites associated with the following two books: “Outsmarting the Dementia Epidemic: 7 Key Memory Care Actions to Avoid Alzhiemer’s and Successfully Keep Safe, Sharp and Sexy into the Future” and the companion book, “Super Brain: Maximize Your Brain Health for a Better Life”

Time for Detoxification: Removing Toxicity to Start the New Year Clear

Removing Toxicity – Start the New Year Clear

Time for Detoxification: Start the New Year Right. It is nearing the end of January. How are you feeling? Full of energy or sluggish already?

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAJanuary is a great time to “ring out” the old. We often cap off a year of not-so-healthy habits with year-end celebrations featuring decadent foods and libations. Its no wonder that many people start each year feeling worn out and fatigued. These are also signs of a potential overload of internal “junk” you’ve built up from everyday chemicals and other potentially harmful substances in food, water, and air. Although the body has a natural detoxification process, we often give it more than it can handle.

Unhealthy eating can add to your toxic burden. Even within our body we produce toxins, such as byproducts of impaired digestion and unhealthy eating. It can also cause weight gain, and excess fat makes a comfy hiding place to store Headachewhat your liver has trouble cleaning out. Year-end pressures at work and emotional stress (and added pounds) from seasonal gathering and preparations can add to this toxic buildup and increase “blue” feelings in January.
Make a clear resolution to feel better. New Year’s resolutions to “be healthier” often fail due to a lack of a measurable goal. But there’s a simple way to promote good health and feel better while helping your body get back to its top cleansing speed. A 10-day metabolic detoxification program is how many people choose to start the year off rightand help them stay clear-headed and energetic all year long.

Call today to schedule an appointment to learn how a metabolic detoxification program can help you feel better. 510-849-1176

El MatadorEven your water can be a source of toxins — filtering your water from the tap prior to consumption is very important. I recommend the Multipure water filtration system and you can order it here

Many other methods of detecting toxicity in your body as well as approaches to dealing with that toxicity are mentioned in this and other postings on this site.

Digestion, Immunity, and Probiotics – Your Natural Choices

Boost Digestion, Immunity with Probiotics: Finding digestive comfort and Regularity

Many digestive complaints may be due to an imbalance of intestinal microflora. Digestive discomforts such as bloating, indigestion, and mild or occasional constipation or diarrhea could be bad bacteria and parasites on gutwarning signs of an imbalance of intestinal bacteria referred to as
microflora. Certain inflammatory disorders (e.g., inflammatory bowel diseases) are also associated with microflora imbalance. Stress and other lifestyle factors including diets high in sugars and low in fiber can foster harmful bacteria growth. Frequent or prolonged use of certain medications can also disrupt microflora balance.

Good bacteria are good for your health. Your gastrointestinal (GI) tract is home to hundreds of bacterial strains, including both good and bad bacteria. One of your GI system’s main immunological functions is to rid the body of harmful bacteria and maintain a favorable ratio of health-promoting microflora. “Friendly” bacteria aid in digestion, intestinal motility to promote probiotics on gutregular bowel movements, and immune function to defend against infection by food-borne or other disease-causing germs. A “probiotic” may help restore balance. Daily supplementation with beneficial probiotic bacteria complements healthy eating, regular exercise, and managing stress to support digestive, immune, and overall health. Probiotics can also be used strategically to help respond to brief flare-ups of digestive distress, such as travel-associated diarrhea or discomforts associated with irritable bowel syndrome. Get the right probiotic to meet your needs. Different probiotic strains have unique benefits. So it’s important to select a beneficial combination of probiotic strains to get the health support you need.

Stomach, Small Intestine, and Large Intestine

Stomach, Small Intestine, and Large Intestine

Make an appointment to discuss how a targeted probiotic can help you in the context of overall health and better functioning. Call us today  510-849-1176 * These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

Detoxification is Important for Health!

Patients find that going through a detoxification program at our office results in not only laboratory changes but also improvements in brain function and energy overall.

Detoxification is a consideration in every individualized treatment plan I craft, based on urinary heavy metal detoxification status testing and bioimpedance analysis. Of course, there are many other lab tests that can be done to detect and quantify toxic load. On the other hand, the expense of those tests is something I weigh before recommending them.

I have recorded several lectures on both the problem of toxicity in the environment as well as on directions to take to improve health and function. If you want more lectures by other experts in the field, you can order a whole set of lectures by contacting the clinic at 510-849-1176.

Pain Relief for Fibromyalgia

FibromyalgiaThe pain of fibromyalgia can be felt worldwide. Recent reports suggest that fibromyalgia affects about hundreds of millions with a greater prevalence among women. People diagnosed with fibromyalgia experience a wide range of symptoms, including fatigue, pain, stiffness, aches, headaches and muscle tenderness. Sleep disorders and digestive problems may also occur.

One of the diagnostic test used to confirm fibromyalgia is when eleven out of eighteen specific points on the body are painful on application of gentle pressure. Quite interestingly, many of these painful points closely correspond to the location of ancient acupuncture points.

How Does Acupuncture And Chinese Medicine Help.

According to the theories of acupuncture and Chinese medicine, an imbalance in the flow of Qi can create symptoms and signs that reflect a Western diagnosis of fibromyalgia. Qi (pronounced “chee”) is the vital energy that animates and supports the functions of the body. It flows through specific pathways, called meridians, and provides nourishment for the entire body.

When Qi is abundant and freely circulating throughout the body, there is health and pain-free living. When Qi becomes “blocked,” or the supply is inadequate, pain, stiffness

and other symptoms related to fibromyalgia can appear.

Can Acupuncture Help?

An acupuncturist will take a complete health history in order to find out where Qi has become blocked, and/or why the amount of Qi within the body has changed. He or she will then develop a treatment plan tailored to address the meridian pathways that are out of balance. The goal of such a plan will be to eliminate visible symptoms, while addressing the root cause(s) and underlying imbalances.

What Is Out of Balance?

The body constantly strives to maintain a healthy balance of Qi traveling through the meridian pathways. When the flow of Qi has been disrupted, or the supply of Qi has changed, the body becomes unbalanced and the meridians cannot properly nourish the body. This is when signs and symptoms appear.

Most cases of fibromyalgia fit into the Chinese diagnosis of a Liver, Spleen, and/or Heart disharmony. This does not mean that these organs have a problem, it means that the functions of these organ/meridian pathways according to Chinese medical diagnosis are out of balance.

  • Liver: The functions related to the Liver organ, according to Chinese medicine, are to control the smooth flow of blood, Qi, and emotions and to nourish the tendons. When the Liver meridian becomes blocked there will be an inadequate supply of blood and Qi flowing throughout the body. The tendons and muscles will not be properly nourished, leading to stiffness and pain. Other symptoms of a blocked Liver are depression, anger, anxiety, and insomnia. A Liver imbalance may be caused by improper diet, stress, deep, unexpressed anger, drugs, and alcohol.
  • Spleen: The Chinese function of the Spleen is to transform the food that we ingest into Qi and blood. The health of the Spleen is affected by diet, over-concentration, and worry. An unbalanced Spleen can result in fatigue, digestive troubles, muscle stiffness, and pain.
  • Heart: When there is an insufficient amount of Qi and blood produced by the Spleen, the Heart organ will be affected. The role of the Heart is to pump blood throughout the body. It is also considered to be the home of the Spirit. If the Spleen cannot generate enough blood to nourish the Heart, the Heart Qi does not have enough control to properly house the Spirit. Symptoms can include anxiety, palpitations, insomnia, and emotional unrest.

A study conducted in 2010, suggests that acupuncture treatment is effective in relieving pain and improving quality of life for fibromyalgia patients. Not only can Acupuncture treat the pain and discomfort, but it can also address the underlying problems that have caused the imbalance. In other research, subjects who received acupuncture experienced an overall improvement in fatigue, anxiety and the hypersensitivity associated with fibromyalgia.

Acupuncture and Chinese medicine can provide a safe alternative in the effective treatment of fibromyalgia. Along with acupuncture, natural herbal formulas, dietary recommendations and calming exercises can also help promote balance and health.

Dr. Jay Sordean and The Redwood Clinic in Berkeley, California can help you cope with fibromyalgia. Call us at today (510) 849-1176 to set up a consultation.