Valentine’s Day Hints

Valentine’s Day Hints – Tips on Speaking to your Lover Partner Spouse


Each person has a preferred way to be spoken to.  How you touch and play the “heart strings” of those you love and care about differs according to many factors.  Their personality type and what they most deeply value are two important elements that drive their feelings and behavior.  When you are able to hit upon the messaging that works for them, that creates their “symphony” and inner “singing” (like that song that you just can’t stop singing to yourself at times that lights you up), you will create a harmony and positive response.  Closeness and trust are likely to follow.


Valentine’s Day Hints

Valentines Day is an important day to many people, whether they celebrate or not.  Because it goes on around us, even if we poo-poo, it there is a social context we operate in.  As social beings (even if we are introverts), humans are touched by the social fabric we are brought up in and wear culturally.  The excitement and trepidation of “getting it right” and feeling special on Valentine’s Day has at least a little effect on each of us.  This may be conscious or subconscious, or both. It might only be a 10% influence or it might be 150%.  No matter the degree, our emotional intelligence picks up on it to some extent.

Thus, we might as well give it a little attention.

If you know the predominant personality type of your loved ones, or wished for “person of interest,” you are more likely to vibrate their heart strings in a positive way.  That is good for them, for you, and for society as a whole.  If you don’t know the predominant personality, figure it out by playing the BANK code cards at www.Four-Cards.com.  Then, use the following as some Valentine’s Day hints and tips.

The BLUEPRINT likes routine and safety.  Plan out the Valentine’s Day event in advance and let them know what to expect – at least 1 week in advance. During the event or after giving them a lavish gift be prepared to justify the cost by mentioning any discount you were able to negotiate! It may sound odd, but they appreciate a good deal.


The ACTION loves fun and excitement. Sponteneity is a common value, so even if you plan out the event make it a surprise or at least surprise them with something during a planned event.  And tell them how fun they are! Brand name gifts are especially spot on.


The NURTURING is often about others.  Emphasize the relationship. Talk about the two of you – how much you trust them and how much their caring for others means to you.  Maybe attend a charity event related to Valentine’s day or make a donation to their favorite cause (in addition to giving them something).


The KNOWLEDGE is usually pretty logical and has some emotional intelligence challenges.  Explain to them the logic and rationale of going to the event together – maybe consider something related to science or even a comicon-like costume party.  Watching reruns of “Big Bang Theory” or “Scorpion” or going to the most recent “Star Wars” movie would be a great match to get them excited.

These Valentine’s Day hints and tips are not set in stone, but they might help you create the kind of event that is memorable – and that is the point of Valentine’s Day (besides the commercial aspects that predominate so much of it).

Keep in mind that BANK Code personality typing has applications far beyond Valentine’s Day.  It is being applied in education, business, and clinical settings to improve student performance, sales statistics, and treatment outcomes.  Trainings are available online and in person – contact the author for the options you are looking for to improve communication and results.

Valentine’s Day Advice – Match the Gift to the Person(ality)

Valentine’s Day Advice – Match the Gift to the Person(ality)

Is Valentine’s Day still relevant or an anachronism? Do people really care about it? What is good Valentine’s Day Advice?

I say “Poo-Poo Valentine’s at your own peril.”

Articles abound on the disappointment people express about the way their lovers, spouses, and partners celebrated with them. Whether it was a gift, an outing, a romantic or thrilling night out, Valentine’s day is about feelings and caring. And need I say more about the emphasis on Emotional Intelligence nowadays? (And yet, was it ever not important?)

For example, Beyonce, Lady Gaga, Ivanka Trump, and Oprah are all women who would like a great Valentine’s Day experience. They each can probably give themselves almost anything they might like, but coming from someone else makes it more special and memorable.
Creating memories is what life is all about according to experts in the field of having life fulfillment.

The gift has to match the person for it to be a memorable experience and hit the heart. Not a small task in many relationships. Examples of this are shown in this TV appearance I made in Albuquerque New Mexico.

Matching the Gift to the Person

The Valentine’s Day gift works best if it fits the personality style of the recipient. Often the giver misses the mark. A disappointing Valentine’s Day “gift” is worse than no gift at all.

Am I wrong about this?

As a bestselling author and Certified B.A.N.K. Personality Typing Relationship Trainer and keynote speaker, I feel confident stating that “matching the gift using personality styles is the best approach to hitting a homerun this Valentine’s Day.” This is coming from someone who has had his share of strikeouts, starting in elementary school!

Finding out Your Personality Type

So how do you apply B.A.N.K. Code personality types to choosing the gift or experience? First and foremost, it is always about the other person. Like in sales, you focus on the needs and desires of the other person. Start out by finding out the personality type of your “giftee” (the person receiving the gift).

Step 1: Tell the giftee that you want to really know more about them. Then, go online with them to figure out their code. Go together with them to Four-Cards.com and then each of you “play the cards.”

Step 2: Have your partner share the results with you. Just ask them to read the report that they get in their email to you. Just listen without judgment. Take it in and acknowledge when they say “This is just like me.”

Step 3: Pay attention – these are the keys to making a memorable gift or experience or both. You can even take notes on a piece of paper. Listening with attention while your partner talks about her/himself is very nourishing. That sharing experience alone goes a long way toward setting up the Valentine’s Day experience.

Note of Caution: During the reading you might want to inject your opinion — I suggest just buttoning your lips. Come on, who said love is easy? Still, being quiet and attentive will leave you telling yourself “I’m so glad I followed Dr. Jay’s advice.” Jumping in with your opinion is just your personality speaking – take note if this tendency happens and curb it. (I struggle with this as well.)

In addition to taking notes on the comments about the BANK Code report your giftee makes, here are a few insider tips about how to decide on what to give to create connection, fun, and intimacy. Even with the person who doesn’t express emotions very openly.

Hints on the Four Types

The Four Types are BLUEPRINT, ACTION, NURTURING and KNOWLEDGE. This is why it is called B.A.N.K. code. Because you have already “played the cards” (if you haven’t, do it NOW), you will have an idea about the predominant personality type of your giftee. So what type of events might be most satisfying and show that you care about the other person?

First of all, for the BLUEPRINT type, plan ahead. Tell her/him in advance of what you will do together. No last-minute stuff. Planning ahead will touch the Blueprint type – this is because s/he likes safety.

The NURTURING type likes to take care of others. They might not like the attention on them. So finding a charity event, with lots of hugging, might melt the NURTURING’s heart. Or a family event.

How about the ACTION? Spontaneity and surprise sparks fire in the Action. Even if you make a plan in advance, leave some mystery surrounding what you will do. If they know where and when the event is, still have some surprises in store when you get there. Fun and high energy are their oxygen.

And then there is the KNOWLEDGE. Often less emotive, an intellectual or scientific event (sounds weird for Valentine’s Day, doesn’t it?) is more what resonates with them. (Again, refer to your notes from the “playing the cards” session on what really made them light up and what they identified with. Those notes will help individualize the gift.) Going to a sci-fi movie, a reading of Star Wars poetry, or hanging out at a Comicon-style event will impress the Big Bang Theory type KNOWLEDGE type.

Whatever you end of doing, make it all about them. Listen, sense what is wanted, and have some fun.

Good Luck and let me know with your comments or feedback on how it went!

BANK Code for Relationships

BANK Code for Relationships

There are many types of information that are relevant to improve health. I apply them in clinical practice at The Redwood Clinic. I also apply them outside of the clinic walls. BANK Code for Relationships is one of those areas very few practitioners and healers are aware of, let alone using to help patients. Just like the specialized knowledge I have from NRCT practice, BANK Code for Relationships is a specialized area unique to The Redwood Clinic and highly helpful for all patients.

Please watch this video interview I gave recently in San Francisco talking about BANK Code for Relationships.


You might also enjoy my TV interview on relationships — pitfalls and solutions using BANK CODE.  https://youtu.be/ROQawgBKIfw




BANK Code for Relationships

Having first learned about and being sold on the use of  BANK CODE when I first saw Cheri Tree appear on stage years ago, I have also taken the live trainings and virtual trainings related to BANK CODE.  I am so committed to BANK CODE that I have become a Certified Trainer for BANK CODE.  In addition, as a natural medicine clinician of over 30 years, I integrate the use of BANK CODE into my practice to improve the effectiveness of my treatments. I teach principles of BANK CODE to my patients to improve their lives, and thus their health.  Perhaps even more importantly, I also apply BANK CODE in my relationships to better understand how to create closer connections.

Thus, I feel that I am qualified to review Cheri’s book with authority — based on personal experience earned prior to the publication of this epic semi-biographical “textbook” of buying behavior.

“Why They Buy” is a fantastic overview of the system of BANK CODE.  The numerous examples of how it has been applied in real people’s lives bring a reality and practicality to the theory.  The book itself it not the only place to see how BANK CODE has changed lives.   I have numerous testimonials as to how BANK CODE has positively impacted the lives of so many people — you can find them on YouTube associated with my name, Dr. Jay Sordean.  The power of BANK CODE can also be verified through blog posts about BANK CODE on my website https://TheRedwoodClinic.com.  There are also numerous podcast interviews related to BANK CODE on my podcast, https://NaturalSolutionsWithDrJay.com .


I have also applied the BANK CODE system to better understand the behavior of politicians, and have written two bestsellers on that topic as well.  I believe that BANK CODE sheds light on all things in the human sphere, including Presidents and Presidential hopefuls.  “Code Blue in the White House: What Successful Presidents Sell Voters to Win Elections” and “Donald Twump: a Nautobiography” are my homages to the political arena with a taste of BANK CODE sweetly peppered in.

So, when Cheri Tree writes in “Why They Buy” that BANK is a universal language you can believe it.

I recently did a guest teacher appearance in an elementary school.  I was invited to explore BANK CODE with them because the student’s class was focused on the topic of “shopping.”  It was fascinating to talk with them about how personality types might influence their own shopping behaviors.  I have written a blog on the experience. http://www.theredwoodclinic.com/bank-code-childrens-shopping-class/  When you read “Why They Buy” take note of the ACTION type chapter. (Read the others as well, of course!).  Then read my blog post. You will be amazed that the 2nd, 3rd, and 5th graders who said they were ACTION type in the first position fit that characterization in many ways.  Including the types of cars they said they would buy!

(And my style of writing the blog post will give you added insight into a person with a High K influence).

Cheri Tree’s genius and humanity shines through this book.

Buy and read this book — and then sign up for a live course that will help you put the system and knowledge into action to improve your relationships, your sales, and as an element of your self growth and mastery.   Dr. Jay Sordean, Certified Trainer, Speaker, BRAIN WEALTH expert

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