Water Pollution: Olympic Water Badly Polluted in Brazil

Water Pollution and the water you play in and drink

When you start to think that your water sources are safe, think again. Especially if you are competing in water sports in Rio de Janeiro Brazil during the Olympics. An Associated Press article published in the SF Chronicle Thursday December 3, 2015 details the presence of “disease-causing viruses directly linked to human sewage at levels up to 1.7 million (THAT’S MILLION) times what would be considered highly alarming in the US or Europe.” Olympic competitors in trials this year became infected with things like MRSA, a flesh-eating bacteria, shortly after the trials in August.

Bacterial and viral toxins now have to be considered, along with chemical and heavy metal toxins, in all health considerations related to disease as well as optimizing health. If you are travelling be very aware of your environment.

Marc Zuckerberg recently wrote a letter to his daughter MAX about how he wants the future of health to be incredible, with no more disease, for MAX and all of the people she will live with. The lack of mention of things like environmental pollution and chemical toxins in his letter hopefully does not suggest that he thinks that these are insignificant.


#ChanZuckerbergInitiative #MarkZuckerberg #MRSA #PriscillaChan #Olympics

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