Hair Mineral Analysis – Detecting Your Body’s Hidden Conditions

Do you have symptoms that are mysterious to your doctors?  Do you feel “off” but your blood tests all are normal?  We are finding that hair mineral analysis provides information that may tell us what is going on now and what may transpire in the future.  This is because your minerals have a significant role in how well your body works.

We have created a series of videos to talk about hair mineral analysis and the major minerals involved in analysis of the body mineral balance. The first one is on hair mineral analysis in general.  Followed by one on the periodic table of the elements (remember that from the sixth grade?  Well, it is STILL relevant!).  And then one on each of the four major minerals in the body.  Calcium, Magnesium, Sodium, and Potassium.  We hope that you enjoy this mini-series about how your body works.

Hair Mineral Analysis: Heavy Metal and Body Functioning

You may be having underlying physical conditions that are not yet causing you symptoms, and yet they will eventually if not taken care of now.  Diabetes, cancer, high blood pressure, cardiovascular illness, obesity, cognitive decline — are just a few of the many conditions, malfunctions, or diseases that do not develop symptoms often until they are progressed quite a long time.  Functioning has to drop to around 40% for symptoms to be obvious — up until a drop of function by 60% we know about dysfunction by things other than symptoms.  What are those tools? The approaches we use to find out what is going on with you at a functional level include listening to your voice quality, observing your gait and posture, the brightness of the twinkle in your eye, your emotional range, blood tests, saliva tests, orthopedic testing, Bio-impedance analysis, pH testing, urine tests, and Hair Mineral Analysis. Hair Mineral Analysis focuses on particular minerals –macro, micro, trace and heavy metals found stored in your hair.  As hair grows about 1/2 inch per month, we take 1.5 inches of hair from the nape of the neck, right at the roots, to see what has been going on metabolically with you for the past 3 months.  Understanding the relationships among the different minerals found can tell us a lot about how your body is functioning.  Not only your body, but your emotions and hormones. I have prepared a series of brief videos describing this testing, 4 of the minerals that we look at, and how the minerals are related to each other with respect to the periodic table.  We hope that you enjoy what Dr. Jay produced for you. After watching these, if you want to get a hair mineral analysis with explanation please contact The Redwood Clinic at +1-510-849-1176.

Hair mineral Analysis You tube videos

Hair Mineral Analysis in General: